Our lives have changed so drastically in such a short time. I would love to share all the new and exciting events that have happened in the past two months... but no one wants to read a 30 page blog entry. So instead, I thought I would focus on a few things that have changed since Liam entered our lives. Warning: I'm going to be completely honest, so if you don't want to hear about getting poop on, etc. do yourself a favor and stop reading now. Here we go...
1. I will be late. Everywhere. Before Liam, I was always 15 minutes (at least) early to every appointment or event. We are talking OCD early. I used to have to drive around just so that I wouldn't be the first person everywhere. This is no longer a problem. I will probably never be early anywhere again. Ever. Or at least for a long time. At first it really stressed me out. But after the first few weeks of Liam playing the "It's time to leave so I'm going to demand food game", or the "It's time to leave so I'm going to poop or pee all over Mommy" game, I've pretty much learned to accept it.
2. We can no longer go anywhere with the phrase "real quick" attached to it. Brandon and I have gotten pretty good at dividing and conquering when it comes to leaving the house. But even going to the grocery store takes a lot more effort and planning than I would have ever imagined.
3. Boogers, poop, and throw up don't phase me.
I would have laughed at anyone who told me I would grab boogers out of someone else's nose with my bare hands a few months ago. (yes, even my own child's). Now I do it happily. We are not talking cute little baby boogers either. This kid has grown man-sized boogs.
4. I don't sleep.
I can function on as few as two hours of sleep several days in a row. I may be a complete ding-bat, but I'm somehow still fully capable of taking care of my baby.
5. I have spit up or poop in my hair at least once a week. I am not exaggerating this either. And I will more than likely leave the house with it that way. There's nothing quite like having someone ask you if you knew you had poop in your hair. Yes, this has happened to me multiple times. At first I was mortified. Now it doesn't phase me. That's just how I roll.
6. More poop fun. I get pooped on at least once a week. Sometimes I feel like I should develop a training game for new parents to give them practice on how to quickly change a diaper before getting blasted by their child. I think I'll call it "Diaper Wars". Unfortunately for Brandon and I, our kid has a very active stomach. Sometimes even when he has just blessed us with a present, he still has some more to share, and has successfully gotten his timing down. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's not. It's particularly funny when it happens to Brandon. But it's hard to get mad when I look down and see my little man smiling after letting loose on Mommy or Daddy.
7. I don't sleep.
I know I've already mentioned this but I think it's a big enough deal that I should get to put it down twice. That and I'm having a hard time remembering all the brilliant ideas I had when I first started writing this entry :(
8. Friends and Family. One of my friends once told me that having a child made her prioritize relationships. I always thought this was a bunch of hooey. Or at least an excuse to bail on people more often. But now I completely understand. Brandon and I have both become a little bit more selective with whom we spend our free time with.
9. My career is no longer my top priority. Before Liam, I would have rolled my eyes at anyone telling me that I wouldn't be ready and excited to go back to work from my maternity leave. I knew I would miss him, but I never thought it would be so tough. But now after having to do it, I can honestly say that leaving him is the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. I was a wreck the first week I was away from him. I walked around swallowing back tears, and cried it out on my lunch breaks. And to be completely honest, I still secretly cry EVERY morning on my way to work after I leave him. Guess it's no longer a secret. You would think after the second week this would no longer be an issue. (*Sigh*) Everyone keeps telling me it's going to get easier, so all I can do is cross my fingers and wait for it.
10. I am on Liam's schedule. I am a planner. I like to plan out my day, my week, etc. Brandon can attest to this because I think it not-so-secretly drives him crazy sometimes. But now even if I plan something, it most likely won't get done unless Liam allows it. Take my thank you cards for example. It has been almost two months since some generous people have given Liam a gift and they still haven't received anything from me. I had hoped to get it done this week but it's not looking good. Guess I'll just have to be rude for one more week....
I'm sure there are a lot more things I will remember later...but as I mentioned before...I don't sleep.
Liam is growing so fast and getting chunkier by the day. I'm trying to soak up every second I have with him and be grateful that we have such a healthy and happy baby. He is the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. All in all, I'd say Brandon and I are two lucky parents so far.
My little Chunker. This Pic is kinda distorted. But it's my Fav.
Liam anxiously awaiting his cousin Leighton's arrival. He was really pumped.
Another favorite that is a little distorted...
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