Monday, August 12, 2013

Gluten Free Baby

I am one lucky mommy. My little man is almost 5 months and is the happiest little guy ever. He is so generous with his sweet smiles that it makes my heart ache. He lets anyone and everyone hold him, and is pretty content to sit in anyone's arms as long as he is facing towards the action. He. Is. So. Precious.

We have seen a lot of firsts these past few months. We took Liam's first trip to Austin over the Fourth of July. I was pretty nervous about the car ride but Liam did absolutely amazing. I had been getting in the normal bath tub with him for his bath time to get him used to the water, but Austin was the first time we introduced him to a pool. He humored us but I'm not sure how much he really enjoyed it. We have also started putting him in his walker more so that he can work on his back muscles. His little legs are so strong he scoots all around. He's still a little too short so we have to put a phone book under his feet so he can reach the ground. Only problem with that is I'm constantly having to move the phone book back under his feet after he pushes off.

                                                                Liam's first "swim"

                                                                  Lovin his walker

He's also gotten better at tummy time. Now he holds himself up for minutes at a time without fussing at us. He's rolled over from his tummy to his back (on July 27th) and on (August 6th) he rolled over from his back to his tummy. 

                                                                     Tummy Time Fun!

Since I have Celiac disease there is a really good change he will have it also. *Sigh* So I've started discussing a plan with his pediatrician regarding his eating. So far the plan is to keep him gluten free for the first year and then slowly introduce him to gluten so we can get him tested. I'm hoping and praying he doesn't have Celiac, but if that's the worst that we have to deal with than we will be lucky. Right now he's eating gluten free rice cereal every night, but we are going to wait until he is closer to 6 months before introducing him to baby food. I've looked for baby food here and there but so far I haven't been able to find any that are gluten free. I'm crossing my fingers I find some, otherwise I will be investing in a really good food processor and making it myself!

He's still not sleeping through the night. Some nights he will sleep from 7pm -6am with only one midnight to 1am wake up. Other nights he's up every few hours with pretty intense stomach aches. Poor little guy has definitely inherited my terrible stomach. I can't really complain because even when he's feeling crappy he's still giving me the biggest, sweetest smiles. I've started trying the whole let him fuss it out tactic, but it doesn't last very long and I'm terrible at it. I know.....I'm weak.
Every day we get to see more and more of his personality and I can't wait for him to show us more of it.

                                               He loves to hold my hand when he sleeps <3