Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Giggles, Screams, and Reflux

Liam will be 15 weeks (about 3.5 months) this Thursday, and it has definitely been a journey. His second month was a tough one. When he hit about six weeks, (right when I went back to work) he would scream from the moment he woke up until the moment he passed out from exhaustion. Brandon and I took turns pacing the house and practically standing on our heads for him and nothing seemed to be working. It broke my heart and made me feel like a terrible mother because I dreaded him being awake.  I was worried, a little scared, and BEYOND sleep deprived. I couldn't go to the store, go out to eat, or do anything because Liam would scream the entire time.

(On a side note: the next time you see someone with a screaming infant and/or child... take pity on them if they are doing everything they can to get it under control. Your dirty looks are NOT going to make the child stop crying..so why make the parent feel any worse than they probably already do? I can not count the amount of dirty looks I've gotten from people when Liam has started crying at the grocery store or Target. First of all, he was two months old. Second of all, for those of you that haven't experienced the joys of parenting and think your child will never cry in public...BUCKLE UP. You are in for a rough ride. lol. There was a period where I walked away from full carts more times than I actually got through the check out line.)

When I finally realized I needed to take Liam to the doctor, he screamed so loud the whole time we were there that I had to call the doctor when I got home just so that she could tell me what was wrong. Poor little guy had colic AND acid reflux, and was screaming non-stop because his insides felt like they were on fire. She gave me medicine and told me that the acid reflux would more than likely go away when he started walking (to which I almost started crying), and that he would grow out of the colic in a few weeks.

For those of you who (blissfully) know nothing about colic...there is a witching hour each night when the colic sets in. Liam's started at 6:30pm (almost to the second) and would typically last until 9 or 9:30pm. During this time, Brandon and I took turns holding him while he screamed and kicked and twisted in our arms. Nothing would soothe him for longer than a minute or two. We would run bath water, dance with him, bounce him.. pretty much anything you could think of doing. I was constantly amazed at how long he could scream without getting tired. Gripe water helped at times, but for the most part we just had to ride it out. It. Was. Brutal. Thankfully his colic is gone now, and after a month's worth of medicine his acid reflux is more manageable. He still has trouble sleeping and eating, but his good days out number his bad.

                                                                     Mr. Cool

Lately, he has become such an easy going sweetheart. A couple of weeks ago he started laughing, talking, and squealing at us. I realize I'm a little biased, but it is THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!! I've tried several times to get it on camera, but the second any phone or camera comes near him he stops whatever he is doing and just stares into the phone with his big blue eyes. Its incredibly cute AND frustrating!!!!! He was over 14lbs two weeks ago, and seems to be getting chunkier by the day. His little wrists and ankles have all but disappeared from all the baby fat. It's soooo cute <3 Next week we are going on a little mini vacation for the Fourth of July and I'm so excited to take Liam with us. I get five whole days with him and Brandon without having to go to work :)